Any citizen, 21 years of age or over, of good moral character, is eligible to become a member of the East End Social Club.
Potential new members are sponsored by an existing member.
The Sponsor must be a member in good standing for 2 years in order to propose a candidate.
New Member applications are accepted and screen during the 1st Wednesday of the month. New members are then installed at the 2nd Wednesday at the club general meeting.
All potential new members are reviewed by the screening committee. All moneys are due when the application is turned in. ( $30.00 )
Election of new members is voted on by the members and upon two-thirds vote of the members present voting in favor shall be declared elected.
Form is in Adobe PDF format
Any questions, contact Richard Dube, Financial Sec./Treasurer
This page was last updated: October 23, 2021
New Member Admission Information
Criteria for Retirement Stardust
Must be a member for 20 Years
Must be 65 or older
Must be Fully Retired